Index CFDs can track either the spot price of an underlying index or the index futures. In terms of chart and news analysis, spot prices are more accurate because they provide a quote for immediate buying and selling. Futures contracts get settled at a defined date in the future, so they may not react to events and conditions like spot prices. If you are interested in trading an index directly, CFDs tracking the spot market are the better choice.

An indices broker will offer leverage trading. Leverage allows you to open a larger position by borrowing additional capital from the broker. At TMGM, we offer 1:100 leverage on indices CFDs. This ratio means you can control $100 for every $1 you put into a position. You do not have to use the total leverage available. In fact, you should carefully calculate your sizing because all the money involved in the trade, including the leveraged capital, is your responsibility. You must return it to the broker after you close with no exceptions. Therefore, it is possible to lose more money than you have, leaving you with a debt to the broker.

Luckily, risk management strategies can help you avoid this scenario.
CFDs offer convenient access to global markets. Most markets have index ETFs for most major indices. However, CFDs are a cheaper alternative. ETF margin requirements are typically very high, and shares are more expensive. This makes it impossible to profit from short-term index price movements unless you have a lot of capital.
CFDs rely on leverage, but they are also better for those with limited capital because you only have to pay the difference between the price when you open and when you close the position.
For example, if you have an index CFD tracking the S&P 500 with an opening price of 3,600 and a closing price of 3,650, you earn 50 points in profit. If the index drops to 3,550, you owe 50 points. Though you need to cover the margin requirements if you use leverage, you do not have to purchase the CFD. You only need to cover the difference. This fact makes indices CFD trading much cheaper than ETFs.
With ETFs, you have to purchase the entire share. As you can see, CFDs are much better for taking advantage of small market moves than ETFs.

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan
Jika Anda memperdagangkan CFD saham, analisis Anda akan fokus pada data keuangan dan grafik untuk satu perusahaan. Namun, dengan perdagangan CFD indeks, Anda akan melihat perekonomian dan pasar saham secara keseluruhan.
Selain itu, Anda dapat menggunakan leverage untuk meningkatkan ukuran posisi Anda tanpa harus menyumbangkan lebih banyak modal. Persyaratan modal untuk perdagangan CFD indeks jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan perdagangan indeks ETF atau kontrak berjangka.
CFD juga melacak indeks yang mendasarinya. Derivatif lainnya, seperti opsi pada indeks ETF atau kontrak berjangka, tidak terlalu mencerminkan pergerakan harga karena kadaluwarsa dan peluruhan waktu, ekspektasi pasar, dan faktor lainnya.
- Geopolitik dapat menimbulkan kepercayaan pada pasar atau menyebabkan ketidakpastian. Pengumuman perjanjian, konflik, perselisihan internasional, dan perubahan politik dapat menyebabkan pasar bearish atau bullish, bergantung pada apakah investor melihat perubahan tersebut positif atau negatif.
- Perubahan suku bunga dan keputusan kebijakan moneter lainnya, yang biasanya berasal dari bank sentral, dapat menyebabkan harga indeks pasar saham suatu negara berfluktuasi.
- Kebijakan pemerintah, seperti kesepakatan perdagangan dan perubahan tarif pajak perusahaan, dapat mempengaruhi kinerja indeks pasar saham. Umumnya, keputusan yang lebih pro-bisnis, seperti tarif pajak yang lebih rendah atau insentif bagi industri tertentu, menyebabkan harga indeks naik. Sementara itu, kenaikan pajak, peraturan baru, dan faktor lain yang memperlambat proses bisnis dapat menyebabkan turunnya nilai indeks.